
the top Warcraft player in its community registered a shocking 149 hours of gameplay in a single week

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What's more, the top Warcraft player in its community registered a shocking 149 hours of gameplay in a single week. There are 168 hours, total, in a seven-day span.However, overall playtime figures for Warcraft, after Cataclysm, are “nearly identical” to a major first-person shooter release on a console, like Call of Duty: Black Ops or Halo: reach. Total playtime on day of release, and length of the average game session are replica Ulysse Nardin 353-68LE-3 Men's Watch nearly identical between Warcraft and the console shooters. The explanation is simply in the law of averages. While more than a third of Warcraft's overall audience clocks in at 30-plus hours a week, a greater chunk only plays a few hours per day, dragging down the gameplay figures.

Raptr also found that Warcraft's playtime “has grown five times since the summer of 2010,” thanks to the return of previous subscribers. Unmentioned, but a possible influence, was Blizzard's offer of free playing time for those with replica Ulysse Nardin 326-90B.69 Men's Watch lapsed accounts, and free time in Cataclysm for those who bought previous expansions but haven't picked it up yet.More fun facts at the link.Raptr World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Report – Top 11% of players generate +50% of total playtime hours [Raptr via news release]”Provided, that is, you decide to play the role-playing title on “insane” difficulty. Which gives you one life. For a game that could take anywhere from 30-60 hours to finish.While this mode allows you to save your game, if you die, those saved games will be locked and you won't be able to load them again.